Sad Whatsapp Status Download | Best Whatsapp Status 2020

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1. Loving him wasn't a mistake but thinking that he loved me was.

2. First love teaches us what is love last love teaches us what is life.

3. Some people suddenly change one day you are important the next day you are worthless. can miss someone who died you can miss someone who moved away but the worst is when you miss someone you see every day.

5. Sometimes I just want to leave everything and go to the place where no one knows me.

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6. If you leave me without telling the reason don't ever come back with an excuse.

7. Nowdays people just change like the weather.

8. Sometimes I feel like I m losing everyone but in reality, I m losing myself.

9.The easiest way to die love someone who does not love you back.

10.No matter how strong you are there is always someone who can make you weak.

11. A clear rejection is always better than a fake promise.

12.If you like me to say it and if not then stop acting you do.

13. I m just physically here but my heart is with her it will always be with her.

14. I am the type of person who notices everything but stay quiet.

15. Love is when he makes you cry but you still want him when he ignores you but you still love him.

16. They come they love they hurt and then they leave.

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17. Just because we are not close anymore doesn't mean I don't care about you.

18. Just because I don't react doesn't mean I don't notice.

19.No matter how much you heart me you always have a special place in my life.

20. I reject everyone just to wait for you.

21. Never let your feeling get too deep people can change anytime.

22. It didn't kill me but something inside me died that day when I saw you with someone else.

23. I m quite just because I don't want any drama But some people take this as my weakness.

24. I cried because of you I laughed a lot because of you I believe in love because of you and now I am heartbroken because of you.

25. I always understand when you say I m busy have you ever thought, how come I always free to talk whenever you want.

26. Somewhere in between old me and new me, I have lost actual me.

27. I didn't say I can't live without you I can but I don't want to.

28. Sorry, If I'm carrying too much for someone who is not mine.

29. I am a good enough person to forgive you but not stupid enough to trust you.

30. It actually kills me when we don't talk it kills me when you ignore me it kills me when you're busy with your life.

31. We always wait for our special one messages daily but we don't know that they are busy with their special one.

32. When I am sad I always cry because no word can express my feeling.

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33. I may not show you but I still care for you a lot more than you think.

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34. One day you will realize how much I was there for you when I m gone.

35. I know you don't feel the same way but at least you deserve to know that somebody was once madly in love with you.

36. One of the most difficult tasks in life is removing someone from your heart.

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37. You will never understand the pain of ignorance until it happens to you.

38. Don't be much closer to anyone because of a small change in their behavior hurts a lot.

39. I don't need part-time people in my life.

40.there is always someone who cares for you without your knowledge.

41. I fell in love with you I don't know how I don't know when I don't know where but I did.

42. The day I stop loving you is the day when I close my eyes forever.

43. The most stupid thing in the world is acting like a friend with the person you love.

44.slow reply make me think that you are talking to someone more important than me.

45. I want an honest relationship no lies no cheating and no midgames.

46. When it comes to love you're just as blinded.

47. Hiding your feeling from someone you love is like dying alive.

48. My life is full of temporary happiness and permanent pains.

49. Dear crush, I know in reality we can't be together but in my dream, you are always mine.

50. I m sensitive I overthink and I care way too much.